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depression + anxiety


Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that can affect a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a number of ways that impair their functioning. Many people with depression report feeling sad or a lack of emotion, hopelessness, helplessness, a lack of interest in usually pleasurable activities, and a change in energy, sleep, or eating.


There can be many and multi causes of depression, and symptoms can vary from mild to severe. Depression can also be related to trauma, your reproductive health and hormones, the seasons, and environmental stressors. In fact, 1 in 6 people in their lifetime will have symptoms that indicate depression.* The good news is, there is a diverse wealth of evidence-based and supportive treatments for depression, and Well Psychotherapy is here to find the best fit for you.


​*American Psychiatric Association, 2017


Anxiety is a perfectly normal emotion that is often experienced as fear, nervousness, apprehension, or worry, which helps us to assess situations for potential danger or discomfort.


However, it becomes problematic when it is persistent and exceeds your capacity to cope, manifesting in ways that seem out of your control or in your body through physical symptoms. These feelings, when related to an anxiety disorder, have negative behavioral and psychological consequences and are often alarming and confusing to those who suffer from them.


In fact, there are a number of anxiety-related disorders: generalized anxiety, phobias, social anxiety, separation anxiety, agoraphobia, and selective mutism. Having an disorder can be quite isolating, but is actually relatively common, with approximately 40% of American adults reporting experiencing an anxiety disorder in their lifetime*.


Anxiety and depression often co-exist, and symptoms can overlap. If you think that you may be struggling with depressed mood, anxious thoughts, behaviors, or feelings that are related to a depressive or anxiety disorder, Well Psychotherapy can help.


*American Psychological Association

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